ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

DRDO Glide Bombs

Okay kiddo, so imagine you want to throw a ball really far away but you can't throw it very hard. That's kind of like what the DRDO glide bomb does. It gets thrown from a plane but it doesn't go really fast like a regular bomb. Instead, it glides through the air like a paper airplane so it can travel much farther than a regular bomb.

The glide bomb has a special GPS system that helps it know where it needs to go and when to explode. This means it can hit a very specific target, even if it's very far away. It's like playing darts but your target is very far away and moving, and you use special tools to aim and hit the exact spot you want.

DRDO glide bombs are very useful because they can hit targets that are too far away for regular bombs. This makes them a powerful weapon for the Indian military to use against enemies that are far away.