ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, today we're learning about something called a dukw! It's pronounced "duck," but with a "w" at the end.

A dukw is a very special kind of vehicle that can drive on both land and water! Imagine a big car that can swim like a fish, cool huh? Dukws were invented during World War II, because soldiers needed a way to cross rivers and oceans while carrying a lot of heavy equipment, like weapons, food, and medical supplies.

Now, let's break it down even further. Dukws are made up of a big metal body that looks like a boat on wheels. They have big, chunky tires with patterns that help them grip the ground and propel through the water. Dukws also have huge propellers at the back that spin around when they're in the water, pushing them forward.

When driving on land, dukws are just like any other car. They have a steering wheel, gas pedal, and brakes, just like mommy or daddy's car. But when they enter the water, something magical happens! The driver uses a special lever to switch the dukw into "boat mode." The big wheels fold up, the propellers spin around, and the dukw becomes a boat!

So that's a dukw, kiddo. A very special vehicle that was created to help soldiers move easily and quickly across land and water during wartime. Nowadays, you can still find dukws being used for fun sightseeing tours in some cities, but they will always be remembered for their important role in history.