So imagine you love to read stories. But instead of reading one story a day, you read a little bit of the same story every day for seven and a half years! That's what Daf Yomi is.
Daf Yomi is a program where people all around the world read from the same big book called the Talmud. The Talmud has lots of stories, laws, and discussions. Each page is called a daf.
Every day, everyone who is doing Daf Yomi reads the same page from the Talmud. So on Monday, everybody reads page 1. On Tuesday, everybody reads page 2. And so on.
After seven and a half years, everyone has read the entire Talmud from start to finish! It's like one big reading club. People meet up every day to talk about what they read and learn new things.
Some people say that doing Daf Yomi is a big accomplishment because reading the Talmud can be very hard. But it's also a lot of fun to learn new things every day and be part of a big group of people who are doing the same thing as you.