ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Daniel Fast

Alright kiddo, a Daniel fast is when we choose to eat only certain types of food in order to show our commitment and devotion to God.

You know how sometimes we get so busy playing that we forget to eat? Well, during a Daniel fast, we are not forgetting to eat, but we are choosing only certain types of food to remind us to focus on God and our prayer time.

The foods we can eat during the Daniel fast are fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. These are all very healthy foods that are good for our bodies. But we have to remember, we can't eat meat, dairy products, or any sweets or processed foods.

It's like when we go to a friend's birthday party, and there are lots of yummy cupcakes and cake, but we know that too much sugar is not good for us, so we have to choose to only have a small portion or none at all.

During the Daniel fast, we are making that same choice but not just for ourselves, but as a way to honor and show our love for God. And not only that, by eating these healthy foods, we are also taking care of ourselves and being good stewards of our bodies.