ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dark academia

Dark academia is a way that some people like to express themselves through clothes, books, and activities that make them feel like they are part of a secret society of smart people. It's like pretending you're in a storybook or a movie about a group of curious and intelligent people who study old books, drink tea, wear fancy clothes, and spend time talking about art, philosophy, history, and science.

For example, you might wear a white shirt, black trousers, and leather shoes, and carry a tote bag with a bookstore logo on it. You might use a fountain pen to write down your notes or ideas in a leather notebook. You might listen to classical music or jazz while you read Shakespeare or Dante's works, or while you solve puzzles or play chess. You might visit old libraries, museums, or castles, feeling like you're uncovering some hidden knowledge or mystery.

Some people like dark academia because it makes them feel connected to the past, to the beauty of art and literature, or to the thrill of learning new things. It's a way of dressing up your intellectual interests and showing your personality through your hobbies and pursuits. It doesn't have to be dark or gloomy, though—some people add a touch of humor or whimsy to their outfits, or explore different styles within the larger trend. Above all, it's a form of self-expression that allows you to be creative, curious, and confident in your own skin.