ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dashrath Manjhi

Okay kiddo, so there was a man named Dashrath Manjhi who lived in India a long, long time ago. Dashrath lived in a small village that was surrounded by big mountains. The mountains were so big that they made it very hard for people to get to the other villages on the other side of the mountains. It would take people a really long time to walk around the mountains to get to the other villages.

Well, one day, Dashrath's wife got very sick and needed to see a doctor. But because the mountains were in the way, it would take too long to get to the doctor on the other side. Sadly, Dashrath's wife passed away because they couldn't get to the doctor in time.

This made Dashrath very sad and angry. He didn't want anyone else to have to suffer like his wife did. So, he decided to do something about it.

He started chipping away at the mountain with a hammer and chisel. This was a very hard job but Dashrath kept at it every single day for 22 years! Slowly but surely, he carved a path through the mountain.

Now, people could easily get to the other side of the mountain to go see a doctor or visit family and friends in other villages. Dashrath's hard work made life better for everyone in the area.

And that's the story of Dashrath Manjhi, a man who worked really hard for 22 years to make life better for his community by carving a path through a big mountain.