ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Data Documentation Initiative

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is like a special book that helps grown-ups understand and talk about important information that they collect.

Think of it like this: Let's say your mom and dad take notes about the things you eat, your favorite games, and how you feel each day. They might want to share this information with other grown-ups who are trying to help them understand how to take care of you. But, it can be really hard for them to explain all their notes in a way someone else can understand. This is where the DDI comes in.

The DDI helps your mom and dad write down all the important information they have about you, like what you eat, your favorite games, and how you feel each day. They can organize this information in a special way so other people who read it can understand it too. This makes it easier for them to talk to each other about how to help you grow up happy and healthy!