ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Database query language

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a bunch of toys but you're having trouble finding a specific toy. That's kinda like having a database, which is like a big collection of information in a computer.

A database query language is like asking someone to help you find that toy by giving them specific instructions. The language is the set of rules you need to use in order to ask the database questions and get the information you want.

It's like giving your helper a specific set of instructions like "look in the toy box, find the red car with the silver wheels, and bring it to me." The database query language has specific words and commands to use that help you ask the computer for specific information or instructions.

Some of the common words and commands used in the database query language are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, and JOIN. These words and commands help you search for specific information, update information, or delete information from the database.

So, a database query language helps you talk to the computer and ask it for specific information or actions within a database. Just like how you can talk to someone to find a specific toy in a toy box!