ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Data manipulation language

Data manipulation language (DML) is like playing with your toys to make them do what you want. Imagine you have a toy car and you want it to move forward, you need to tell it what to do. Similarly, computers have a language to give instructions to the database to do what we want.

So let's say a database is a giant toy box with lots of toys inside. In this toy box, there are some toys that you like and some that you don't like. You want to take the toys that you like and set them aside while you put the ones you don't like back in the toy box.

Data manipulation language is the special language that you use to tell the computer to do this. You give it specific instructions, like "find all the red cars and put them in the 'cars I like' pile" or "take all the dolls and put them in the 'dolls I don't like' pile."

In the real world, you would use DML to manipulate data in a database. For example, let's say you have a table in a database with information about all the toys in your toy box. You can use the DML language to search through the table and pull out only the toys that you want based on specific rules, like "show me all the toys that are blue and have wheels."

DML can also be used to modify data in the database, like changing the color of a toy car or updating the price of a toy. It's like taking an old toy and making it new again.

So, data manipulation language is basically a set of instructions that you give to a database to help you find, sort, edit, and work with the data inside. It's like using a special language to play with your toys, but instead of toys, you're manipulating data in a database.