ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

David Benatar

David Benatar is a person who thinks a lot about the big questions in life, like why we are here and how we should live our lives. He has a special point of view called "anti-natalism," which means that he believes that it is wrong to have children.

He thinks that when people have babies, they are bringing someone into the world who will experience suffering, pain, and hardship. He believes that by not having children, we can avoid causing this suffering and pain.

This idea might seem weird or confusing, but think about it like this: Imagine going to a movie theater and watching a very scary movie. Afterwards, you might feel frightened, upset, or even traumatized. David Benatar thinks that life is kind of like this scary movie - it's full of pain and suffering, and sometimes it can be really hard to handle. But unlike a movie, we can't just leave life when we want to.

By not having children, David Benatar thinks that we can avoid putting someone through all of the hard parts of life. It's like deciding not to bring someone to the scary movie with you in the first place.

Some people might disagree with David Benatar's ideas and think that life is worth living, even with all of its problems. But his idea is important because it makes us think about what kind of impact our choices have on other people, even the ones we haven't met yet.