ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

David Blanchflower

Okay kiddo, so David Blanchflower is a grown-up person who knows a lot about money and how it affects people. He's like a smart teacher who helps us understand why things cost money, how to make enough money to buy the things we need and want, and what happens when lots of people don't have enough money.

He also likes to talk about how jobs work and how important they are for people to be able to afford things like food, clothes, and a place to live. He thinks it's not fair when some people have lots of jobs and lots of money while other people don't have enough money or jobs to take care of themselves and their families.

So, David Blanchflower spends a lot of time talking to people who make decisions about money and jobs, like government leaders, business owners, and other smart teachers. He tells them what he thinks we need to do to make sure everyone has enough money and jobs so that we can all have a good life.

Overall, David Blanchflower is someone who cares about people and their money, and he wants to make things better for everyone.