ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

De Dannan

De Dannan is a band from Ireland that plays very cool music! They use instruments like violins, guitars, accordions, and drums to make beautiful sounds.

Imagine you and your friends all have different toys – some of you have drums, some of you have guitars, and some of you have violins. Now, imagine you all start playing your toys at the same time and make wonderful music together – that's what De Dannan does!

De Dannan has been around for a long time – almost 50 years! During that time, many different people have been in the band and they have played many different styles of music. Some of their music sounds like happy party music and some of it sounds like music for when you want to be quiet and think about things.

Overall, De Dannan is a great band for you to listen to if you want to learn more about music from Ireland and hear some really amazing sounds!