ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a very salty lake that is located between Jordan and Israel. It is called the Dead Sea because its water is so salty that no living creature can survive in it - not even fish! The water in the Dead Sea is almost 10 times saltier than normal ocean water. This means that when you float in the Dead Sea, you don't really swim - you just float on top of the water like a cork.

The Dead Sea is not just famous for its saltiness, it is also known for its healing properties. Many people visit the Dead Sea to help with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. The water has a high concentration of minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium that can help soothe the skin and make it healthier.

Because the Dead Sea has such a high salt concentration, it is also used by many companies for making beauty and skincare products. In fact, some of the most popular skincare lines in the world use ingredients from the Dead Sea in their products.

Overall, the Dead Sea is a very unique and special place because of its saltiness and healing properties. If you ever get to visit, be sure to take a dip and see for yourself how easy it is to float!