ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dealkalization of water

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we drink water it can sometimes have a funny taste or make our teeth feel weird? That's because there are minerals in the water, like calcium and magnesium, that make it hard.

Sometimes, when we need really clean and pure water, like for making medicine or electronics, we need to remove those minerals. That's where something called dealkalization comes in.

Dealkalization is a fancy way of saying we're going to take out some of those minerals that make the water hard. We can do this by using a special machine that has tiny beads called ion exchange resin inside.

When the hard water flows through the machine, the resin beads grab onto the minerals and hold onto them. Then, when clean water flows through the machine, the resin releases the minerals and that clean water can come out the other end.

So, dealkalization is like a magic trick that takes the hard minerals out of our water, making it taste better and less harmful to things like appliances and pipes.