ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Death deity

Have you ever heard of the idea that everything that lives must someday die? Well, a death deity is a made-up character that some people believe in who is in charge of making sure that happens. Think of it like a really important job - this deity is like a boss of all bosses because they get to decide when someone’s time is up and it’s time for them to die.

Now, let’s imagine that this death deity is like a bus driver. Just like how a bus driver has to stop at every bus stop and pick up passengers, the death deity has to decide when it’s time for someone to “get on the bus” so to speak, and leave this world. When someone’s time is up, the death deity is there to help guide them to whatever comes next - like a cosmic tour guide.

Some people believe in different versions of the death deity, like the Grim Reaper who is often portrayed as a skeleton in a long cloak, carrying a big scythe like a farmer uses to cut wheat. But no matter what form the death deity takes on, their job is the same - to make sure that everything living eventually dies. It may sound scary, but it’s just a part of the natural cycle of life.