ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, let me explain what a debtor is. When someone borrows money or takes something on credit, they become a debtor. This means that they owe the person or company who lent them the money or gave them credit.

It's kind of like when you borrow a toy from a friend. You promise to give it back, but until you do, you owe your friend that toy. The same thing happens with money. When you borrow money, you promise to pay it back, but until you do, you owe that money to the person or company who lent it to you.

Now, being a debtor can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you borrow money and pay it back on time, it means you're responsible and trustworthy. But if you can't pay it back or you're always borrowing money, it means you're not being responsible with your money.

So, it's important to be careful when borrowing money and to make sure you can pay it back on time. Because if you don't, you might end up with lots of debt, which can be really hard to get rid of.