ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Decision Sciences Institute

Okay, imagine you are trying to figure out the best way to do something, like what game to play or what to eat for dinner. You have to make a decision, right? Well, there are some people called scientists who study how to make decisions better.

These scientists are part of a bigger group called the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). They work together to figure out how to make better decisions for all kinds of things, like in business or healthcare. They use a lot of different tools and methods to help people make good choices.

Think of it like a toolbox. They have different tools that can help you make a decision, like a hammer or a screwdriver. Except these tools are things like math, statistics, and computer models. They can help people understand more about a situation so they can make the best decision.

The scientists in the DSI also talk to each other about their ideas and research. They share what they’ve learned so everyone in the group can use that knowledge to make better decisions.

So, the Decision Sciences Institute is a group of scientists who study how to make better decisions using tools like math and statistics. They work together to figure out the best ways to make good choices in all kinds of situations.