ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Decretum Gratiani

Okay kiddo, so the Decretum Gratiani is a really old book made by a guy named Gratian who lived a loooong time ago.

Now, back in the day when people wanted to learn about religion and how to follow God's rules, they didn't have a lot of books to read - at least not like we do now. So Gratian decided to make a big ol' book that combined a bunch of different writings from important people about how to be a good Christian.

It's like if you took all the rules your parents, teachers, and coaches taught you and put them all together in one book.

The Decretum Gratiani has a lot of rules and laws about how to be a good Christian, and it talks about things like how to become a priest, how to get married, and how to punish people for doing bad things.

Basically, it's a really important book for people who want to learn about how to live a good and holy life, and it's still really popular among religious scholars today.