ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dedicated Follower of Fashion

Have you ever seen someone who always dresses up in the latest trend, wears fancy clothes and accessories, and looks like they just stepped out of a fashion magazine? They are what we call a "dedicated follower of fashion".

Think of fashion like a game, where new pieces of clothing and styles come out every season, and people try to keep up with the latest and greatest trends. A dedicated follower of fashion is someone who takes this game very seriously and tries to be the first among their friends to wear the latest fashion trends, no matter what the cost.

Being a dedicated follower of fashion means spending a lot of time and money on clothes and accessories, always being “in-the-know” about the latest trends and styles, and constantly updating your wardrobe to stay current.

However, it’s important to remember that fashion is often subjective, and what might be in style for one person may not be for another. A dedicated follower of fashion might prioritize following trends over comfort or individuality, but at the end of the day, the most important thing is to wear what makes you feel confident and happy.