ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Defecography is when a doctor uses a special type of x-ray machine to watch how poop leaves your body.

First, you will be asked to go to the bathroom and empty your bowel as much as possible. Then, a special jelly or paste will be put into your rectum to make it easy for the x-ray machine to show what is happening inside.

A big machine called an x-ray tube will be put in front of your body, and it will take pictures while you sit on a special toilet. While you poop, the doctor can see how the muscles in your rectum and anus are working to get the poop out.

Defecography can help doctors find out if there are any problems in your body that are making it hard for you to go to the bathroom. It can also help them figure out the best ways to treat those problems.
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