ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deficits in attention, motor control and perception

Attention, motor control, and perception are skills we use every day. Attention is the ability to focus and pay attention to something. Motor control is how you're able to control your body and make it do things like walk and throw a ball. Perception is how you understand your environment and the things that happen around you.

When you have deficits in these skills, it means that you might have trouble focusing, controlling your body movements, or understanding things. It can make it hard to do everyday things like follow conversations, do well in school, or participate in activities.

Deficits can be caused by a few things. Some people have problems with their brain that make it hard to focus, control their body, or understand their environment. Other times, a person's deficits can come from struggling in school or having a hard time learning new things.

If you think you have deficits in attention, motor control, or perception, it's important to talk to a doctor or healthcare provider. They can help figure out what kind of help and support you need.