ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Degrees of freedom problem

Imagine you are playing with a toy car that can move in any direction. You want to control the car and make it move wherever you want. The car has four wheels that can move independently, which means you can make the car go forward, backward, left, or right.

Now imagine you have a friend who wants to play with the car too. You both want to control the car at the same time, but you only have one remote control. This means you have to take turns controlling the car.

The problem is that when your friend is controlling the car, you don't have control over it. This is what we call a "degrees of freedom" problem. Degrees of freedom refer to the number of ways you can control or manipulate a system.

In statistics, degrees of freedom refer to the number of values in a data set that are free to vary after certain constraints have been put on the data. For example, if you have a data set with 10 values, and you know that the average of those values is 5, you can only vary 9 of those values freely because the 10th value is constrained by the average.

Degrees of freedom are important because they impact the accuracy of statistical analyses. When you have fewer degrees of freedom, you have less information to work with, which can make your results less accurate.

In summary, the degrees of freedom problem is like sharing a remote control with a friend - you both want to control the car, but when your friend is in control, you don't have control over it. In statistics, degrees of freedom refer to the number of values that can vary freely after certain constraints have been put on the data, and having fewer degrees of freedom can make statistical analyses less accurate.