ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delivered Audio Quality

Have you ever listened to music on a radio or on your phone and noticed that sometimes the sound isn't very clear? Well, that's because of something called "delivered audio quality".

Delivered audio quality is how good the sound of your music or other audio is when it gets to your ears. Sometimes, when you listen to music on a bad connection or with bad speakers, the sound can be fuzzy or unclear. This means that the delivered audio quality is not very good.

There are many things that can affect delivered audio quality, like the strength of the connection, the type of device you're using to listen, and how the music was recorded in the first place.

So, to have good delivered audio quality, you need to make sure you have a strong and stable connection, use good quality speakers or headphones, and make sure the music you're listening to was recorded with high quality equipment. That way, you can have the best listening experience possible!