ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delone set

Have you ever played with blocks? And have you ever noticed that some blocks fit perfectly next to each other while others don't quite fit? Well, think of a Delone set like a group of blocks that fit together really well.

A Delone set is a special kind of arrangement of points. Just like blocks, these points fit together in a very specific way. They are arranged in such a way that each point is surrounded by several other points, kind of like how each block has other blocks around it.

A Delone set can be thought of as the perfect way to arrange points in space so that they are as spread apart as possible while still touching each other. It's like when you're playing with blocks and you want to make a really tall tower, but you don't want it to fall over, so you have to make sure the blocks are stacked perfectly.

Scientists use Delone sets to study things like crystals and the structure of materials. By understanding how points can be arranged in space in the most efficient way, they can learn more about how materials behave and how we can use them in different ways.