ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delphi method

The Delphi method is like when we ask our friends and family to help us decide something important like what toy to buy or what game to play. But, instead of just asking a few people, we ask a whole bunch of people from different places who are experts in that thing we want to decide.

They write down their ideas and send them to someone who collects all the ideas and makes a list. The experts look at the list and can add more ideas or take away the ones they don't think are good.

After they do that, they send their new ideas back to be added to the list. This keeps going until everyone agrees on a list of the best ideas. This way, we can make sure we are making the best decision possible, just like when we want to buy a toy or play a game.

The Delphi method helps people make important decisions by getting lots of different opinions and ideas and making sure everyone has a say.