ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a deme? It's a special word that scientists use to talk about groups of animals or plants that are similar to each other but different from others of their kind.

Imagine you have a big basket of apples, but not all of them look and taste the same. Some are big and red while others are small and green. And then you have some that are kind of in between. You could put all the big and red ones in one group, the small and green ones in another group, and the in-between ones in a third group.

That's kind of like what a deme is. Scientists use this word to describe groups of animals or plants that have similar features or characteristics, but are different from others of their kind. It helps them study and understand different species and how they evolve over time.

So when you hear the word "deme," just remember that it means a group of similar animals or plants that scientists use to study and learn more about them.