ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Demographic history of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small country in Europe that has had a complicated history with different groups of people living there.

A long time ago, people called the Illyrians lived there, but they don't live there anymore. Later, other groups of people moved into the region, including the Slavs, who are still there today.

More recently, Bosnia and Herzegovina was part of a country called Yugoslavia. This country was made up of several different nations, including Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and others.

In the 1990s, though, Yugoslavia broke up into smaller countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. This caused a lot of problems, because different groups of people who lived there had different ideas about what the country should be like.

One group of people were called the Bosniaks, and they were mostly Muslim. Another group were the Serbs, who were mostly Orthodox Christians, and a third group were the Croats, who were mostly Catholic.

These groups didn't always get along, and there were a lot of fights and violence between them. In the end, many people were killed or forced to leave their homes.

Today, there are still tensions between these different groups of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, there are also efforts being made to bring them together and create a peaceful society where everyone can live together in harmony.