ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Depository bank

Hello there little one! Today we are going to talk about something called a "depository bank".

Imagine you have a shiny new piggy bank at home. When someone gives you some money, you can take that money and put it in your piggy bank. Your piggy bank becomes a safe place to keep your money until you need it to buy something you really want, like a toy or a book.

A depository bank is kind of like a big piggy bank for grown-ups. When you have money, you can take it to the depository bank and give it to the bank. The bank keeps your money safe and secure, just like your piggy bank.

But why would you give your money to the bank instead of keeping it in your piggy bank? Well, the depository bank can use your money to do a lot of good things in the world. They can lend your money to other people who need it, like someone who wants to buy a house or start a business. The bank pays you something called "interest" for letting them use your money, which is like a little extra prize for being such a good saver.

So, the depository bank is not just a safe place to keep your money, it is also a place where your money can help others and make the world a better place. Isn't that cool?