ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Derivation (abstract algebra)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about derivation in math!

Do you remember what a function is? It's like a machine that takes in a number and gives you back another number.

Good! Now imagine we have a function that tells us how fast something is moving at any given moment. We call this function a "velocity function".

But what if we want to know how much the speed is changing? That's where derivation comes in!

Derivation is like using a special machine called a "derivative" to find out how much a certain function is changing at any given point. It's like measuring how steep a hill is at a certain point.

So if we take our velocity function and derive it, we get a new function called an "acceleration function" which tells us how much the speed is changing at any given moment.

Derivation is really useful in lots of different areas of math and science, because it lets us find out how things are changing at a very precise level.

Does that make sense, little one?