ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Descriptive poetry

Descriptive poetry is like using words to paint a picture in your mind. It's when someone uses lots of details to tell a story or describe something in a way that makes you feel like you are really there.

Let's say you wanted to describe a beautiful sunset. You would use lots of words to talk about the colors in the sky, how the clouds look, and how the sun makes everything look golden. These words help you imagine what the sunset looks like, even if you've never seen one before.

Descriptive poetry isn't just about making things pretty or colorful. It can also tell you a lot about a person or a place. For example, if someone describes a dusty road with creaky wooden houses and a hot, dry wind blowing, you might imagine that they are talking about a small town in the middle of nowhere.

Descriptive poetry can be fun to read because it helps you use your imagination and makes you feel like you're really experiencing something, even if you're just sitting in your living room!