ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A desert is a place where it's really hot and dry and there's not a lot of rain or water. Imagine going outside on a really hot day and feeling super thirsty, now imagine that feeling all the time. Deserts can be really big and cover entire countries or smaller and only cover a little bit of land.

The ground in a desert can be really rocky or covered in sand. The sand can be fun to play in and make sandcastles, but it's also really hard to walk in because it's loose and you sink in with every step. Some people like to ride camels in the desert because they are really good at walking on the sand without sinking, it's like they are wearing sandals all the time!

Because it's so dry in the desert, there's not a lot of plants or trees. The ones that do live there have to be really tough and able to live without much water. Some common plants in the desert are cacti, which have sharp spines to keep animals from eating them, and tumbleweeds, which can roll around in the wind and spread their seeds.

One thing that might surprise you is that it can get really cold in the desert, especially at night. That's because there's no clouds to keep the heat in and the air gets really thin. So, if you ever go to the desert, make sure to bring a warm coat for when the sun goes down!