ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Desire path

Do you ever walk on grass instead of the concrete path? That's called a desire path! It's when people choose their own way to walk instead of following the path that someone else made for them.

Imagine you're in a big park and you see a path made out of concrete. A lot of people walk on it, but some people might want to take a shortcut or just walk where they want to. They might start walking on the grass and create their own path.

It's like drawing a line where you walk, but with your feet. Over time, other people might see that path and start using it too. So, even though there was a path there before, people wanted to make their own path that felt more comfortable or easier to walk on.

Desire paths show us that people like to make choices for themselves and pick their own way. They also remind us that we have the power to create new things just by doing what we want. Sometimes, these paths end up being better than the paths that were already there!
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