ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, sweetie, detribalization means when people stop identifying strongly with their tribe or group and start thinking more like individuals. You know how we have our family and they are really important to us, but sometimes we might think differently from them or have our own opinions? Detribalization is kinda like that.

In the past, people lived in tribes and their way of life was really important to them. They had their own customs, beliefs and ideas about how the world works. But as the world changed, people started to move around more, meet new people and learn about different ways of living. This made them start to think more independently and not always agree with the ideas of their tribe.

Today, we live in a world that is more connected than ever before. We have access to information from all over the world and we are exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking. This can make it hard for us to always identify strongly with just one group or tribe.

So, when we talk about detribalization, we are really talking about how people are becoming more independent and thinking for themselves. It's not a bad thing, sweetie. It just means we are growing and changing as a society.