ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cultural assimilation of Native Americans

So, there were these people who were living in North America for thousands of years before people from Europe came over. These people are called Native Americans. When the Europeans arrived, they started to take over the land and make their own communities.

The Europeans felt that the Native Americans were different from them and needed to be made more like the Europeans. So, they decided to do something called cultural assimilation. This means that they wanted the Native Americans to adopt the European ways of life, including their language, religion, clothing, and customs.

The Europeans didn't want the Native Americans to hold on to their own culture because they thought it was inferior to their own. They also thought it would be easier to control the Native Americans if they were more like the Europeans.

The Europeans made the Native Americans go to schools where they would learn English and Christianity. They were also encouraged to dress like Europeans and live in houses instead of tents or other types of housing that they were used to.

But cultural assimilation wasn't always easy for the Native Americans. Some of them resisted and fought against the Europeans. Others tried to keep some of their own traditions and culture alive, but this often led to them being treated badly.

Today, many Native Americans still struggle with the effects of cultural assimilation. Some have lost their languages and traditional ways of life. But some are trying to preserve their culture and traditions, and their communities are working hard to keep their unique identities alive.