ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Development (differential geometry)

Well, development is kind of like playing with paper. Imagine you have a flat piece of paper and you want to turn it into a 3D object, like a cube. But you don't just fold it randomly, you have to make sure the sides match up and everything lines up properly.

In differential geometry, development is the process of taking a 3D object, like a curved surface, and flattening it out onto a flat surface, like a piece of paper. But just like with the cube, you can't do it randomly. You have to be very careful to make sure everything lines up properly and keeps the same shape.

It's like a puzzle, where you have to take something complicated and break it down into simpler pieces that can be put together again later. Developing a curved surface helps you understand it better and work with it in different ways.
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