ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dewey Defeats Truman

Imagine you are playing a game of tag with your friends. You are having so much fun and you feel like you are going to be the winner. However, sometimes things don't always go as we expect them to.

Now, let's apply this to a very important event in history called the 1948 United States presidential election. There were two main candidates running for president: Harry Truman and Thomas Dewey.

People were excited to vote and see who would win. The newspapers were so confident that they had already printed their headlines that Dewey had won the election, even before all the votes were counted!

However, as the votes were being tallied, it became clear that Truman was actually in the lead. Despite this, the newspapers were still so sure that Dewey would win that they printed the famous headline, "Dewey Defeats Truman." Oops!

So, just like in your game of tag, sometimes things don't go as we expect them to. In this case, the newspapers were so confident that they got it wrong, and Truman became the president, not Dewey.