ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dialects of Serbo-Croatian

Okay kiddo, so you know how people from different places can speak slightly different? Like how people in America might say "y'all" while people in England might say "you lot"? Well, Serbo-Croatian is a language that is spoken in a few different countries, and because of that, there are different ways of speaking it that we call dialects.

Think of it like this: imagine you have a friend named Ivan. Ivan lives in a small town and he speaks Serbo-Croatian just like everyone else in that town. But then you go to a big city and meet someone else who speaks Serbo-Croatian too, but they say some words differently than Ivan. Maybe instead of saying "dobar dan" (which means "good day"), they say "zdravo" (which also means hello). This is because they come from a different part of the country and have their own way of speaking Serbo-Croatian.

So there are lots of different dialects of Serbo-Croatian, and each one has its own little differences. Some dialects might have different words for things, or pronounce words differently. But even though they might sound different, people who speak different Serbo-Croatian dialects can still understand each other pretty well. It's kind of like how you can still understand your friend Ivan even if he speaks a little differently than you do.