ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diallel cross

A diallel cross is like having a bunch of moms and dads all together, and making lots of babies. The babies are all different because they have different sets of genes from their moms and dads.

When scientists want to study how different traits like height, weight, or flower color are passed down from parents to babies, they use a diallel cross. They take a bunch of plants or animals with different traits and breed them together in many different ways.

Then, they look at the babies and see what traits they have. This helps them figure out which traits are dominant (stronger) and recessive (weaker). They can also figure out which traits are linked together, which means they tend to show up together in the same baby.

By doing a diallel cross, scientists can learn a lot about what makes you look like you do, how traits are inherited, and how different genes work together to make you unique.