ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dictionary coder

Hi there! So, a dictionary coder is like a special helper that helps us remember big words easier. It's like having a special book of words where we write down the big words we know, and when we come across them again, instead of writing out the whole long word, we just write a shorter code word that means the same thing.

For example, let's say we have the word "hippopotamus". That's a really big word and it would take a long time to write out every time we wanted to use it. So, instead we could use a code word, like "hippo". That way, whenever we see the code word "hippo" again, we know it means "hippopotamus".

A dictionary coder works the same way. It helps us write long words quicker and easier by giving us a shorter code word to remember them by. This is especially helpful for computers, because they have to process lots and lots of words really quickly. By using a dictionary coder, the computer can remember lots of words without taking up too much space or slowing down.

So, in summary, a dictionary coder is like a helper that helps us remember big words by using shorter code words instead. This makes it quicker and easier for us (and computers!) to process lots of words.