ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diem (digital currency)

Diem is a kind of digital money that you can use to buy things online. It's like the real money you use to buy things at a store, but it's all electronic.

Imagine you have a piggy bank at home where you keep all your money. Diem is like a piggy bank, but instead of keeping real money, it keeps digital money. Diem is stored in something called a digital wallet, just like how you keep your real money in your pocket or a wallet.

Diem is special because it's a kind of digital money that can be used all over the world. This means you can use Diem to buy things from people who live in other countries.

Like real money, you can also earn Diem by doing work or selling things online. But unlike real money, you can't hold Diem in your hand or put it in a piggy bank. You can see it on a computer or phone screen, but you can't touch it.

Diem is also different from regular money because it's not controlled by a government or a bank. This means it's not tied to any one country's economy, which can affect how much it is worth. Instead, Diem is controlled by a group of people who work together to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Overall, Diem is a digital currency that can be used to buy things online and is controlled by a group of people who work together to make sure it stays healthy.
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