ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital intelligence

Digital intelligence is like having a really smart robot brain inside your computer or phone. This robot brain helps you do things like find information on the internet, use apps, and even communicate with other people. It knows how things work in the digital world and can help you make decisions about what you should do online.

Think of it like a teacher who helps you with your homework. When you have a question, you can ask them and they will give you an answer that makes sense to you. Digital intelligence is like having a teacher for your computer or phone.

The robot brain also helps keep you safe online. It knows how to spot potential dangers and can warn you if you are about to do something that might be risky. It can help you protect your privacy and keep your personal information safe.

Digital intelligence is really important because we use technology so much in our daily lives. It helps us make the most of all the cool things we can do online while also staying safe and making good choices.