Okay, so imagine you have a number line with all the numbers on it, from negative infinity to infinity. And let's say you have a little point that's so tiny, it's like it doesn't even really have a size. This point is the Dirac delta distribution.
The Dirac delta distribution is special because when you put it in certain math equations, it can make things easier. For example, if you want to know how something behaves at a certain point, you might use the Dirac delta distribution to represent that point.
But here's the tricky part: because the Dirac delta distribution is so small and doesn't really have a size, it's not like a normal function where you can just plug in numbers and get an output. Instead, you use it in equations with other functions to get an idea of how things are working.
So basically, the Dirac delta distribution is a really tiny point on a number line that helps people do math easier in certain situations.