ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Direct broadcast satellite

Okay kiddo, do you know what a satellite is? It's a big thing in space that orbits around the Earth. It can help us do a lot of different things, like taking pictures or helping us talk to people far away.

Now, a direct broadcast satellite is a special kind of satellite that's used to send TV signals directly to people's homes. Think of it like a big antenna in space that beams down TV shows, movies, and other stuff right to your TV.

To get these signals, you need a special dish, which is like a big bowl-shaped thing that's usually on your roof. This dish is able to catch the TV signals that the satellite is sending down from space.

Once it's caught the signals, the dish sends them to a special box called a receiver or decoder. That box then turns the signals into pictures and sound that you can see and hear on your TV.

So, that's basically how direct broadcast satellites work. They use a special satellite in space to send TV signals directly to people's homes, where they're caught by a dish and turned into pictures and sound on your TV. Cool, huh?