ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Direct traffic control

Okay kiddo, let me explain direct traffic control to you. You know when you see a person standing in the middle of the road, wearing a bright vest and holding a stop sign or a flag? That person is called a direct traffic controller.

Direct traffic control is a system of managing cars, trucks, and other vehicles on the road. It's important to keep traffic moving smoothly and safely so that people can get where they need to go without getting into accidents or causing traffic jams.

Direct traffic controllers are trained professionals who know how to safely direct vehicles on the road. They use hand signals, stop signs, and flags to tell drivers when to stop, when to slow down or speed up, and which way to go.

When there is an accident, construction, or some other obstacle blocking a road, direct traffic controllers are called in to help manage the traffic flow. You might see them at work on a busy street corner or at a big event with lots of cars and people.

So, that's what direct traffic control is, a way to help manage traffic flow and keep everyone safe on the road!