ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Direct-sequence spread spectrum

Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a way of sending or receiving information wirelessly through radio waves. Imagine you want to send a secret message to your friend, but you don't want anyone to hear it. DSSS helps you keep your information secret by making it harder for other people to intercept your message.

First, let's talk about what "spread spectrum" means. "Spread" means to make something be over a wider area or range. "Spectrum" means the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, which includes everything from radio waves to X-rays.

When you want to send a message using DSSS, you take your original message and break it into little pieces, kind of like a puzzle. These little pieces are called "chips." Each chip is a tiny piece of the message, and they all have a certain pattern.

Next, you take those chips and use them to modulate a carrier signal. This means you take a frequency, which is like a pitch in music, and add the pattern of the chips to it. This process is called "spreading" because you're spreading the chips over a wider range of frequencies.

By doing this, you make it harder for someone to intercept your message because it's spread out over a wider range of frequencies. The receiver of the message will know which frequencies to look for because they have the same pattern of chips as the sender.

But how does the receiver know which chips are part of the message and which ones aren't? This is where "direct-sequence" comes in. Direct-sequence means that the sender and receiver both use the same code to send and receive the message. This code is another pattern, but instead of being related to the message itself, it's just a random sequence of 1s and 0s.

Both the sender and receiver keep track of which chips are part of the message and which ones aren't based on this code. If someone tries to intercept the message without knowing the code, they won't be able to piece together the original message because they won't know which chips to pick out.

In summary, DSSS is a way of sending and receiving secret messages wirelessly by breaking the message into little chips, spreading them out over a wide range of frequencies, and using a code to keep track of which chips are part of the message. This makes it harder for someone to intercept the message without knowing the code.