ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Directed attention fatigue

Directed attention fatigue is a big phrase that talks about what happens when your brain gets tired from working really hard to concentrate on one thing. Imagine if you were playing a really fun game or reading a book for a really long time without taking a break. Your brain might start to feel tired and find it hard to focus on what you're doing. That's what directed attention fatigue is - when your brain gets tired from trying to pay attention to just one thing for too long.

It's like trying to hold a heavy bag of toys for a long time. Your muscles would start to feel tired and you might not be able to carry it anymore. Well, the same thing can happen to your brain when you're trying to focus on a task like homework, chores or even watching a movie. Your brain has to work hard to stay focused, and it can't do it for too long without getting tired.

To avoid directed attention fatigue, it's important to take breaks and let your brain switch off and rest for a bit. You can stretch, go for a walk outside or even listen to some music. Anything that helps you relax and take a break from what you were doing. This gives your brain a chance to recharge and helps you come back refreshed and ready to focus again.