ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Discovery and development of CCR5 receptor antagonists

Okay, so inside our body we have these things called cells. These cells help us do things like breathe, move, and think. Sometimes, our cells can get sick and cause problems. One kind of sickness is called HIV which attacks our immune system and makes it hard for us to stay healthy. Scientists were trying to find a way to stop HIV from making people sick.

One thing that the HIV virus needs to enter our cells is a special "door" called the CCR5 receptor. Scientists wanted to find a way to close this "door" so that the HIV virus couldn't get in and make people sick. They started to look for a medicine that could do this.

To find this medicine, scientists did a lot of experiments. They looked at different chemicals to see which ones could block the CCR5 receptor. After they found some chemicals that could do that, they tested them on mice to see if it would be safe for people to use.

After many tests, they finally found a medicine called a CCR5 receptor antagonist. This medicine can block the "door" that HIV needs to get into our cells. This means that if someone takes this medicine, the HIV virus can't make them sick because it can't get in.

The scientists are still doing more tests on this medicine to make sure it's safe and works well for people. But if it does work, it will be a big help to those with HIV and it could even save lives.