ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Discrimination against asexual people

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of "asexual" before? It means that someone doesn't feel the need or desire to have romantic or sexual relationships with other people. Just like how some people are attracted to men or women or both, asexual people don't really have that kind of attraction to anyone.

Now, unfortunately, some people don't understand or accept this. They might think that if someone doesn't want to have sex or dating, that something is wrong with them. This can lead to discrimination, which means treating people unfairly because of who they are.

For example, asexual people might be teased or bullied by others, or they might have trouble finding friends or partners who understand and respect their feelings. They might also face discrimination in the workplace, like not being promoted or hired because of their asexuality.

This is not okay, and it's important for everyone to treat people with kindness and respect, no matter their sexual orientation or preferences. People should be accepted for who they are, not judged or discriminated against because of it.
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