ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Disinhibited social engagement disorder is a mouthful of a term, but it basically means that some kids may have trouble knowing how to act appropriately around other people.

Imagine meeting someone new at the playground. Many kids would be shy and want to hide behind their parents, but some kids with disinhibited social engagement disorder might walk right up to that stranger and start talking to them like they're best friends. This might seem friendly, but it can also be dangerous because the stranger might not be a good person to talk to.

Another way this disorder can show up is when kids don't understand personal space. You know how sometimes you want someone to give you a little bit of space, maybe because you're feeling upset or grumpy? Kids with disinhibited social engagement disorder might not get that, and might keep touching you or getting too close even when you ask them to stop.

Because these behaviors can be dangerous or make other people uncomfortable, it's important for kids with this disorder to get help from a doctor or therapist who can teach them how to act properly around others.
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