ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disjunctive Datalog

Imagine you have a bunch of blocks with different shapes and colors. You want to organize them and put them in different boxes based on certain rules.

Disjunctive datalog is a way of organizing and keeping track of these blocks using a computer. It's like giving instructions to a magic robot helper that can sort the blocks for you.

It works by creating rules. These rules are like instructions that tell the robot helper how to sort the blocks.

For example, one rule might be "If the block is red, put it in the red box." Another rule might be "If the block is a circle, put it in the circle box."

But what happens if you have a block that is both red and a circle? That's where disjunctive datalog comes in. It allows you to create rules that say "If the block is red OR a circle, put it in the red box OR the circle box."

So you can have overlapping rules that give multiple instructions to the robot helper. And it will use these rules to make sure that each block ends up in the correct box.

Disjunctive datalog helps to make sure that everything stays organized and nothing gets lost or mixed up. It's like having a magic robot helper who always knows where everything is supposed to go.